The following is a list of confirmed local and collaborative activities for International Asexuality Day.
Spain | Asociación LGBTI* Diversas | 17:00 a 19:00 horas | Encuentro no mixto personas del espectro ace | [es] | [local]
UK | London Ace Book Club | 3-5pm | Join Yasmin Benoit for an in-person meet-up/Q&A event in celebration of International Asexuality Day! | [en] | [local]
Germany | Aspec*German | ab 15:30 | Veranstaltungen von Aspec* MD und InSpektren auf unserem Discord und auf Twitch | [de] | [local]
India | Indian Aces | 11 am onwards | Join Indian Aces to celebrate their Decaversary this International Asexuality Day! | [en] | [local]
Spain | ACA - Associació Catalana d’Asexuals | 10 - 20h | Diàlegs de futur | [catalan] | [local]
The Netherlands | de Nederlandse Organisatie Aseksualiteit (NOA) & het Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum | 14:00 - 16:00 (CET / UTC+1) | Lezing aseksualiteit | [nl] | [local]
The Netherlands | Embr-ace, COC Midden-Gelderland | 15:00 | Embr-ace - Aseksuele ontmoeting | [nl, en] | [local]
International livestreams | ACES NEVER SLEEP II - 24h edition | [en] | [international]
Hungary | Magyar Aszexuális Közösség (Hungarian Asexual Community) | Április 15-én Aszex Pride-ot rendezünk Budapesten. / We'll organise an Ace Pride in Budapest (Hungary) on April 15. | [hu] | [local]
Chile | AseArro Chile | Se acerca el DIA (Día Internacional de la Asexualidad), y como se ha hecho costumbre, tendremos un encuentro hispanohablante en torno a los avances del activismo en nuestros países y que se viene este año. | [es] | [local]
USA | Asexual and Aromantic Community and Education Club at Lorain County Community College | We are very EXCITED to announce that @acedadadvice is coming @lorainccc for a BOOK SIGNING, and you are invited! Meet Cody firsthand, ask questions, and purchase your own copy of 'I Am Ace!' | [en] | [local]
Belgrade Pride | On Thursday, April 6, we are celebrating International Asexuality Day by doing an Instagram Live event with Yasmin Benoit! | U četvrtak, 6. aprila, obeležavamo Međunarodni dan aseksualnosti putem Instagram lajva zajedno s Yasmin Benoit! | [en] | [international]
International livestreams | 1500 UTC | Interactive Livestreams and Charity Event 'Aces Never Sleep' | African Aces - 1500 UTC/Zulu (11am Eastern time, 4pm UK time, 5pm South Africa time/CET) | European Aces - 1800 UTC/Zulu (2pm Eastern time, 7pm UK time, 8pm CET) | Spanish Speaking Aces - 2100 UTC/Zulu (5pm Eastern time, 10pm UK time, 11pm CET) | [en] | [international]
Germany | Aspec*German | 18:00 (UTC+2) | Deutschsprachige Events auf unserem Discordserver: 18:00 | InSpektren Livestream auf Aspec*German und Twitch mit anschließendem Chillout; 20:15 | IAD Quizabend; 21:15 | Hangout | [de] | [local]
Italy | Rete Lettera A (+ autonomous activist, Arono) | ‘ASESSUALITÀ: UN DOCUMENTARIO’ DI ARONO CELEPRIN | Prima proiezione per la Giornata Internazionale dell’Asessualità, insieme ad Arono e a Rete Lettera A! | 6 aprile, h18 | Lock (Laboratorio OCcupato Kasciavit in via San Faustino, 62) | Non mancate! | [it] | [local]
Italy | Collettivo Asessuale Carrodibuoi | Raduno asessuale a Milano | [it] | [local]
Bangladesh | Bangladeshi Asexuals | ১. Ace Meet Up - আমরা একটি মিলন মেলার আয়োজন করব যেখানে বাংলাদেশী অযৌনচিত্ত ব্যক্তিরা জড়ো হতে পারবেন। এটি হবে বাংলাদেশে প্রথম বৃহৎ মাপের ACE মিট আপ যেখানে একে অপরের সাথে দেখা করার সুযোগ পাবেন। ২. Ace Talks on Zoom - গত বছরের মতো, আমরা জুম-এ বাংলাদেশি ACEদের সাথে বাংলাদেশ প্রাসঙ্গিক বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে ঘন্টাব্যাপী কথোপকথন করব। জুম কথোপকথনগুলি আমাদের Facebook পৃষ্ঠায় অ্যাসিঙ্ক্রোনাসভাবে স্ট্রিম করা হবে। ৩. BDAA ওয়েবসাইট আমরা launch (চালু) করবো | [bn] | [international]
Brazil | Aroaceiros | 9h00 - ? (UTC-3) | Um dia de conscientização e confraternização; Cronograma: 09h00 | Resenha livro Sem Amor; 11h00 | #MeuHeadcAce; 13h00 | Personalidades Ace; 14h00 | Assexualidade e Saúde; 19h00 | Spaces: #DIA | [pt-br] | [local]
Chile | AseArro Chile | 15 hrs (UTC-4) | Conversatorio Internacional: Encuentros & desencuentros sobre la comunidad asexual hispanohablante | [es] | [international]
Denmark | Foreningen for Aseksuelle i Danmark | 17:00 - 19:00 (CEST / UTC+2) | Hyggelig aften i København | [dk] | [local]
Germany | Aspec*German | 18:30 (UTC+2) | Deutschsprachige Events auf unserem Discordserver: 18:30 | Community-Brainstorming; 20:00 | Ace-Quizabend; 20:00 | Vorleseabend; 21:00 Hangout | [de] | [local]
Indonesia | indo.aspec | Hari Aseksualitas Internasional | [en] | [international]
The Netherlands | Nederlandse Organisatie Aseksualiteit | 16:00 - 17:00 (CET / UTC+1) | Livestream: (A)Sexual Education | [nl] | [international]
UK | Yasmin Benoit | TikTok Live event with Stonewall and Yasmin | [en]
AsexualityAsia | Asexuality Asia is building a directory of all words A-spec in all Asian languages! Send your contribution by visiting AsexualityAsia.org and filling the form latest by 31st March, 2022. | [en] | [international]
Greece | Ελληνικοί άσοι | Η δεύτερη Διεθνής Ημέρα Ασεξουαλικότητας είναι κοντά. Λόγω της δυσκολίας να βρεθούμε δια ζώσης για κάποια δραστηριότητα λόγω της κατάστασης, αποφασίσαμε να διοργανώσουμε ενα διαγωνισμό για να μοιραστούμε μεταξύ μας τα προσωπικά μας ταλέντα και συνάμα την υπερηφάνεια για την ασεξουαλικότητα. | [el]
Spain | Asexual Community España (ACEs) | 5:30pm hora de España | Taller "Activismo y Asexualidad" (no mixto)
Spain | ACA | 11am | Excursió a la muntanya (només identitats de l’aspectre asexual); Per a inscriure-us enviar-nos un DM o al email: asexualitat@gmail.com | [catalan] | [local]
Disclaimer: The IAD team does not encourage people to do in-person activities, but the current situation in Catalunya and government measures allow this event to take place
Spain | Associació Catalana d’Asexuals (ACA) | 12pm / 7pm | Activitats en línia d’ACA; 12pm: Taller Mixt (obert a totes les identitas); 7pm: Quedada no mixta (només identitats de l’aspectre asexual) | [catalan] | [local]
Brazil | AbrAce | Live sobre assexualidade e bissexualidade em parceria com GAEBI (Requer inscrição prévia gratuita)
Italy | Lettera A | 10AM GMT | International Livestream | [en] | [international]
Italy | Gruppo Asessualità – CIG Arcigay Milano | 21:00hs (hora local) | live on Liguria Pride channels | [it] | [local]
Spain | Associació Catalana d’Asexuals (ACA) | 7pm | Activitat en línia amb altres organitzacions: Territori Asexual (obert a totes les identitats) - Xarxa LGBTIQ Territori | [catalan] | [local]
Argentina | AgruPAs | 19 a 21:15hs (horario Argentina) | Conversatorio online sobre Ases y Acceso a la salud + Ases fuera de Buenos Aires | [es] | [local]
Australia | Australian Asexuals | 7:30pm UTC+10 | Art contest (up until April 11th) & Discord Shindig | [en] | [international]
Bangladesh | Bangladeshi Asexuals | আমরা আমাদের পৃষ্ঠা থেকে একটি আলোচনা অধিবেশন আয়োজনের উদ্যোগ নিতে যাচ্ছি।; Talk session 1: Our Asexual Experience; Talk session 2: Asexuality vs. Sex/Venereal Disease | [bn] | [international]
Brazil | AbrAce | Texto sobre o Dia Internacional da Assexualidade, Caixa de perguntas sobre assexualidade nos stories do Coletivo e Live em parceria com Aroaceiros | [pt-br] | [local]
Brazil | Aroaceiros | 11h - ? [horário de Brasília (-3GMT)] | texto sobre a invisibilização da comunidade assexual latino-americana e na América Latina e live na twitch sobre a importância do DIA pra nossa comunidade em parceria com o Coletivo AbrAce | [pt-br] | [local]
Chile | AseArro Chile | Conversatorio online con la comunidad hispanohablante | [es] | [international]
Czech Republic | AsexuaLOVE | Asexuální kvíz na instagramu Prague Pride, další informační příspěvky a článek na sbarvouven.cz | [cs] | [local]
France | AVA | 19h - 21h | Rencontre virtuelle | [fr] | [local]
Germany | ACES NRW | Zwei Interviews für lokale Medien; Bloginterview (Aces aus anderen Ländern befragen und auf deutsch übersetzen) | [de] | [local]
Germany | Aspec*German | 19:30 UTC+02 | Sprachchat auf Discord | [de, en] | [international]
Greece | Ελληνικοί άσοι | θα παρουσιάσουμε την ασεξουαλικότητα στο ευρύ κοινό και θα τους εκπαιδεύσουμε με ένα επεξηγηματικό βίντεο | [el]
India | ACEapp | Initiative “Indian Asexuals” launching | [en, hi, regional languages of India] | [local]
India | Indian Aces | 9-10pm IST | Casual ONLINE game night | [en]
Italy | Lettera A | 5PM Italian time | Una mirIADe di intersezione livestream con attivistu LGBTQIA+ e femministu | [it] | [local]
Italy | Antéros LGBTI Padova | 12.00 - 13:30 | Demonstration in piazza Cavour | [it] | [local]
Disclaimer: The IAD team does not encourage people to do in-person activities, but the current situation in Padova and government measures allow this event to take placeMexico | Asexuales México y América Latina | Conversatorio sobre Asexualidad con Red Periferia: Asexualidad, la letra olvidada en LGBTQIA+
Nepal | नेपाली एसेक्सुअलहरू | नेपाली एसस्पेस १०१- नेपाली अयौनिकहरूको पहिलो भर्चुअल भेटघाट, पहिलो अयौनिक भेटघाट- काठमाडौं उपत्यकाभित्रका अयौनिक व्यक्तिहरुको पहिलो औपचारिक भेटघाट, नेपाली एसेक्शुअल स्टोरिज + अयौनिकता र नेपाली अयौनिक व्यक्तिहरुको अनुभवका बारे राष्ट्रिय दैनिकीसँग अन्तर्वाता | [en] | [international]
Poland | Asfera | 6-7PM UTC+02 | Livestream | [po] | [local]
Spain | Asexual Community España (ACEs) | Información General Asexualidad y "Una foto, unas palabras: el espectro asexual"
Spain | Associació Catalana d’Asexuals (ACA) | 6pm | Activitat en línia amb altres organitzacions: Parlem d’asexualitat (obert a totes les identitats) - Centre LGBTIQ Barcelona | [catalan] | [local]
The Netherlands | Nederlandse Organisatie Aseksualiteit | Project waarin we verhalen van aseksuele mensen verzamelen en voorlezen in korte videos | [nl] | [international]
Turkey | Karoas+ | Online Solidarity Meeting, discussing this year for ace+ activism | [tk]
UK | Pluto MCR | 7.30pm to 9.00pm | IAD-themed discussion night on Discord | [en]
UK | AVEN UK | 3pm UK time, 1400 UTC | Livestream with activists from different countries | [en] | [international]
USA | Sounds Fake But Okay Podcast | International Asexuality Day themed episode | [en] | [international]